Sunday, January 23, 2011

Troy Polamalu shreds...

If you didn't know already that Troy Polamalu shreds, just check this recent photo of him in action.

Until later.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Girl walks into mall fountain while texting...

This is great... humans are de-volving to a whole new level.

Walking while texting is dangerous. We've all heard about people falling in manholes on the street in NYC, but this one is amazing. A girl is walking in the mall and texting someone at the same time... then walks right into this fountain. INTO the fountain, so she actually stepped over the edge and into it. What is our world coming to? One of the comments on this video suggests that this wet texter has an appearance on Tosh.0 in her future soon.

Excellent stuff.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brett Favre's Sister's Meth Bust

I don't know what happened to the wholesome Brett Favre from years ago - around the time "Something About Mary Came Out" but he's really losing ground in popularity now. Apparently, his sister just got busted for meth... but not just having meth, having a METH LAB in her condo! I guess the whole family is going through a rough time, not just Brett and his cell phone pictures.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I've always been a fan of electro music, techno technically but in its own subcategory under that. There are lots of places to check out good electro online and some stream the music directly from their website... this is all part of the progression of the internet and technology in general I suppose.

Here's a great link where I'm listening to a station listed there.

Like I said, this is the new way to listen to music really... just stream it - from the cloud - wherever that cloud is.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Backpack Jet / Flying Water Jet engine

This thing is really cool.
Check out this odd contraption... very weird to have a tether with a boat following behind you while you fly through the air. Interesting concept though.

All You've Ever Wanted To Know About Fluoride


Apparently, fluoride isn't as good for us as once thought. Now, federal officials are claiming that there's too much fluoride in our water supply. Here's an article to check out:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Congresswoman shot, killed - Jan 08, 2011

Out of Arizona this morning comes some very bad news... apparently at a community event hosted by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a lone nut started shooting. In the end, the Congresswoman was killed and apparently 12 others wounded. I bet the guy was under some sort of mind control or just a plain nut. Hope this doesn't further erode the second amendment but I bet its going to make it harder to have access and talk to our public servants. Bummer.

Here's an article about the shooting

Here's another article...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

We need more troops, like that guy in the Matrix...

Well, like that guy in the Matrix - Mr. Smith - we're bringing more troops into the fold in good ole' Afghanistan. Here's the latest article concerning the build up (before we begin leaving):

here's the article from the WSJ

So we have that happening, but in neighboring Pakistan the people are ready to defend their home... my friend from college went to work for a company in NYC 5 years ago and sent me a link a while back. This video clip comes from his boss, its an incredible look into the belly of armament inside Pakistan.

No one will be able to invade this place and win.
We need to get out of this area, asap.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pelosi vacations through her last days in office...

I read an interesting headline today on the Drudge Report that listed Nancy Pelosi as vacationing in Hawaii during her last days as Speaker of the House. What's interesting is that the site is apparently getting so much traffic that its been shut down. But there are many comments being made which are funny in their own right. One says: "Poor thing, she must be stressed" while the next comment says: "Is she there to find the birth certificate?"

Either way, its amazing how ridiculous and frivolous our government leaders have become with the taxpayers money.

The originating article is here, on the Hawaiian Reporter's website:

Monday, January 3, 2011

John Fahey

John Fahey. Damn! Great guitarist. I've heard his guitar work before but always figured it was Leo Kottke, NOPE - its Fahey! Here's a great clip of him doing his thing back in the 1970's...

Good stuff, huh? Yeah, I really have to be on the lookout for some of his albums when I'm out diggin' for vinyl. There's got to be some out there... somewhere.



is in the house.

I've had this idea forever. Just what the idea is remains to be seen... but there are lots of interests lurking about in my mind, so this will be one place they all go to live forever on the mighty interweb.

Ready to saw some stuff up...